Some Investors are Doing Way Too Much Analysis and are Stuck on Analysis Paralysis
Some Investors are Doing Way Too Much Analysis and are Stuck on Analysis Paralysis
Some investors will see gold in front of them, but will still not pick it up
Some are just doomed to start in the rat race, because of lack of actions
Many people are just stuck in their comfort zone and won’t move regardless what you do tell them
For every solid reason to invest, they will find 10 not to
Life is too short to deal with this people
Stick with the doores, and less with the talkers
If you want to see progress
Look for the people that will inspire you and will lift you up
The non-dooers cam open their own non-dooers club
In any case tomorrow i am on the plane to Israel
See you at Nadlan Real Estate Expo 2023, Tel Aviv