2019 BAZAR Baxış

Jacksonville, Florida

Metro əhalisi:

1.5 M

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Located on the eastern coast of Florida, Jacksonville lines both banks of the St. Johns River – the longest river in Florida and also one of only two rivers in North America that flows north instead of south.

In the past 10 years, the Jacksonville metro area has grown by a whopping 20%. To date, there are 1.3 million people living in this area and more continue to come every year. In fact, Jacksonville’s population has been steadily increasing at a rate of 2% per year, and its workforce is expanding at twice the national average.

There are many factors that explain this growth. Firstly, Jacksonville is the only Florida city that is home to four Fortune 500 companies. The region also has a world-class health care system, with more than 20 hospitals and a growing bioscience community. Additionally, 13 of Forbes Global 500 have operations in Jacksonville.

With a cost of living below the national average, wonderful climate and business-friendly environment, we believe Jacksonville is one of the best real estate markets in the country.

More To Love About Jacksonville:

  • The population in Jacksonville has grown 24.1% in population since 2000, which is higher than Miami’s 16.4% and Tampa’s 19.8%.
  • Future job growth in Jacksonville is predicted to be 39.21% over the next 10 years.
  • The expansion of the Panama Canal is helping to bring jobs into the Jacksonville area ports, which is likely to lead to even more population growth.
  • The Jacksonville metro also has a world-class health care system with more than 20 hospitals and a growing bio-science community.

Niyə bura investisiya qoyursunuz?

Jacksonville offers great opportunities for investors today, especially those looking for an affordable investment, a strong cash flow opportunity, and long-term economic stability. Mükafat: Although Florida is known as a hurricane hotspot, Jacksonville has only been directly hit by a hurricane one time in the last 145 years.

  • "1-ci ildə izləniləcək 2017 ən isti Əmlak Bazarı" - Forbes
  • “#5 in America’s Fastest Growing Cities in 2017” – Forbes
  • "Gələcək iş artımı üçün 7-ci ən yaxşı şəhər" - Forbes
  • “#8 Biggest US City with Fastest-Growing Economy” – Forbes
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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Baş İcraçı Direktor - Əmlak İnvestorları Forumu

Lior Lustig 2007-ci ildən İsrail və ABŞ-da bu sahədə aktiv olan təcrübəli daşınmaz əmlak investorudur. Lior tək və çox ailəli əmlakların alınması və idarə olunmasında böyük təcrübəyə malikdir.
Lior hazırda daşınmaz əmlak markasına və maraqlarına sahib olan The Real Estate Investor Forumu, Facebook qrupunu və "Əmlak Forumu ABŞ" saytını idarə edir. Lior ABŞ-da müxtəlif investisiya bazarlarında çox yönlüdür və şirkət vasitəsilə investorlara həllər təqdim edir.