Huntsville i Montgomery, Alabama

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The fourth-largest city in Alabama, Huntsville is just a 90-mile drive on the I-65 heading north from Birmingham. Founded in 1811, Huntsville is known for its rich Southern heritage and a legacy of space missions. Huntsville actually earned the nickname “The Rocket City” during the 1960s when the Saturn V rocket was developed at Marshall Space Flight Center, which later made it possible for Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to walk on the moon.

Today, Huntsville is one of the most well known cities in the Southeast part of the country. USA Today touted Huntsville as “one of the top communities leading the economic recovery,” while Money magazine named it “one of the nation’s most affordable cities.”

Huntsville is well known for its technology, space, and defense industries. The top employer is the military with over 31,000 jobs at Redstone Arsenal. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is the next largest employer. The city is also home to several Fortune 500 companies, which provide a broad base of manufacturing, retail, and service industries to the area.

Per què invertir aquí?

Huntsville offers great opportunities for investors today. It’s one of the nation’s most affordable cities, it has a steady job market that offers STEM workers higher than average salaries, and a growing population (38% of whom are renters). These are good signs for investors interested in generating passive monthly income.

  • “#4 in Lowest Cost of Living ” – Business Insider
  • “#10 Best City to Buy a House” – Fornícula
  • “Things to do in Huntsville” –
  • “#23 Best Place To Rent” – WalletHub, July 2018
  • “#7 Best Place To Live” – U.S. News, April 2018
  • “#2 Up & Coming Tech Hotspots” – Livability, September 2018
  • “#1 of The Best Places to Live in America’s New Tech Hubs” – Trulia, February 2018
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Miami World Center. Format. Tot i això, algunes unitats estan disponibles en preus de pre-construcció i reserva. Aquest projecte va concedir un visat EB-5. Poseu-vos en contacte amb Leo Markov per telèfon: 130-8424500

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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig, conseller delegat: el fòrum d'inversors immobiliaris

Lior Lustig és un inversor immobiliari amb experiència que treballa al camp a Israel i els Estats Units des del 2007. Lior té una àmplia experiència en l'adquisició i gestió d'immobles unifamiliars i multifamiliars.
Actualment, Lior dirigeix ​​The Real Estate Investor Forum, propietari d’una marca i interès immobiliaris, del grup de Facebook i del lloc “Real Estate Forum USA”. Lior és versàtil en una àmplia varietat de mercats d’inversió als Estats Units i proporciona solucions als inversors a través de la companyia.