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  1. Hello Yuval. You do not make a small renovation even immediately after the purchase, before you put tenants in? But just before the sale of the property? Surely the students maintain less well the condition of the apartment, especially since they change a lot - in your experience are there more repairs to the property while renting compared to a property with a regular family? Thanks.

  2. Hello Yuval. I tried this model in Charleston, West Virginia this year and I wonder how you deal with the ever-changing Vacancies. There are very strong months and months with only two tenants - and all the bills are still on the landlord.
    This month we moved the house to a regular rental.

  3. Thank you to Dani Beit-Or, who was bellowed in the forum as a fan and initiated an excellent week, and of course thank him again for the excellent Axel Draw, and now accept the initiator of our new week to host the forum this week is Yuval Bertal !!! Good luck Yuval!