In honor of International Women's Week, we went back to the January issue of Women…

In honor of International Women's Week, we went back to the January issue of Women…

In honor of International Women's Week, which is celebrated around the world, we returned to the article published in January about women who invested in real estate abroad, including Stephanie Sokola.
Stephanie then counted:
"For the amount I paid for an escort, Yariv sat with me two or three times and explained to me how to look for a property: how to check the level of education of the residents of the neighborhood, how to look at neighborhoods on Google Maps, etc. This allowed me to examine every property he offered me objectively. In 2017, I remotely bought a small house, only 65 square meters, which includes one floor, two bedrooms, on an area of ​​550 square meters, in a medium-sized neighborhood in Cleveland, neither the most successful nor the most fallen, in the amount of 44 thousand dollars, without adding money For the part I sold in the purchasing group. "
So for all the women in the group, here are tips for beginning investors in real estate abroad collected by the interviewees in the article (ynet)
* Join a company that has already made a real estate transaction abroad and enter into a joint investment with it. This way you can learn from her knowledge and experience and the financial risk will be shared between you, which will lower the level of stress and anxiety. "
* Get a property appraiser's report in advance and make sure the numbers match the amounts specified by the developer. If the report seems unreliable, invite a private local appraiser for you.
* Choose an entrepreneur who is involved as an investment partner. Thus, it will be more committed to the success of a project.
* Talk to other developer clients who have already made deals with them.
* Cross as much information as possible, both with the help of the Internet and by meetings, until you find an accompanying body that you trust.
* Don't be dazzled by high and sometimes inflated returns, note that the deal is done at a fair price that is compatible with the market.

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