Sometimes you have to see the attitude of American real estate investors in Israel to understand the way ...

Sometimes you have to see the attitude of American real estate investors in Israel to understand the way ...

Sometimes you have to see the attitude of American real estate investors in Israel to understand our way of investing in the United States.
Things are taken from the conference that took place;
Moore commented on the state of the US real estate market and said that “in the bottom line, the US market is expensive but healthy. The condition of vacant real estate, demand and supply in New York is stable. There is a healthy growth of 2% -3% - not like before the crisis of 2008, when it amounted to 8% - too high. In the office market, WeWork has changed the rules of the game. The high-tech field is very involved in American real estate, and regular leases just don’t work.

"If American real estate developers knew the price of an IPO in Israel - they would not come"


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