The Israeli trend in real estate in Greece, a lot of risk according to the article and a lot of problems for investors, and what do you say ...

The Israeli trend in real estate in Greece, a lot of risk according to the article and a lot of problems for investors, and what do you say ...

The Israeli trend in real estate in Greece,
Lots of risk according to the article and a lot of problems for investors, and what do you say
Rival Paz real estate consultant?

The landscape is dreamy, the profit is not bad, but there is also a risk: Israelis' new investment hit - real estate

Piraeus's returns: "In Greece, I renovate and sell 20% profit in six months" ■ Are overseas investment hits an opportunity or an illusion?

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  1. I think it's a pity that the state is running away from overseas to drive other economies.
    I think that if investors already overseas it is better to invest in countries with a strong economy, that your tenants will have money to pay rent, that is why I personally chose the US, the country with the strongest economy in the world

  2. I think it's a pity that the state is running away from overseas to drive other economies.
    I think that if investors already overseas it is better to invest in countries with a strong economy, that your tenants will have money to pay rent, that is why I personally chose the US, the country with the strongest economy in the world