And this week in the corner from capital to capital, what is the REIT fund and how does it allow us to invest in real estate…

And this week in a corner of equity capital, what is REIT REIT and how it allows us to invest in real estate ...

And this week on the corner from equity to equity, what is the REIT Foundation and how it allows us to invest in real estate around the world

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Investments from another direction - REITs

Hi everyone - a post with value..fourth round, 2 of 3 (by Ido Neuman, CPA and personal financial planner) they always talk about what to do with the money you get from investments, when it's still small amounts... well, since you already have an account in the US "B, it can be invested again in real estate but from a different direction; Below are 6 REIT funds that distribute a monthly dividend (below are the main points of the article...
