Fears Chapter 5 ** “There was a crisis recently” ** ** “You saw what happened there in the crisis” ** ** ”They say that soon…

Fears Episode 5 ** "Not long ago there was a crisis" ** ** "You saw what happened in the crisis" ** **

Fears Chapter 5

** "Recently there was a crisis" **

** "You saw what happened there in the crisis" **

** "They say there will be another crisis soon" **

** "And if the prices fall?" **

They say that real estate investors always make a profit. If prices rise, then we profit when we own the property, on paper or when we sell.

If prices dropped significantly as they did in the crisis, many people lost their homes and needed another place to live, some were unable or afraid to buy. In this situation, there are fewer houses for rent that can be lived in and rental prices are rising - we have won again!

You do not have to sell along with the herd, maybe there will even be opportunities and buy more.

Especially since the United States is a big ship, but every State actually behaves differently and prices do not necessarily behave similarly in all countries. Some countries are approaching prices or have passed the levels that were before the crisis and there are countries that did not. If there are declines then not necessarily in the entire United States.

** "And what if you can't rent?" **

** "No Residents Will Come" **

** "And if the house stands empty?" **

My preference is to shop in good neighborhoods, in such neighborhoods we usually have anchors that assure us that the whole neighborhood or city will not disappear one day. Universities, malls and employment areas such as Amazon centers, stadiums, hospitals, etc. In these areas there is life, which means there are tenants. It is always possible to lower the price a little if we do not manage to rent for any reason, but if you plan and check well in advance, we do not expect this to happen. Information about the amount of rent requested can be checked in advance at the various sites and with the local agents even before the purchase.

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