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The sticks:

#Entrepreneur of the week Adam Ashkenazi #post4 In the previous post, I told about a building I purchased with 4 units, about the tenants there who did not pay rent, about two management companies I fired,...

Town Home - Florida, Long Term Rental, Under $ 62,000 Contract - Manchester (New Hampshire)…

Town Home - Florida, Long Term Lease, Under Contract $ 62,000 - Manchester (New Hampshire) Living Size: 1288 Year Built: 1991 Number of Bedrooms: 3 Number of Toilets: 2.5 Additional Additions: Yard, Sun Terrace, Two Balconies Status Property: Under contract - Start of ten-day inspection period Renovation: $ 12,200 Escort fee: $ 6,000 Closing costs and additional costs: $ 3,000…

SHF - Florida, Flip, Under $ 122,000 Contract - Manchester (New Hampshire) Property Status: Start…

SHF - Florida, Flip, under contract $122,000 - Manchester (New Hampshire) Property status: Beginning of inspection period - seven days Livestock size: 1460 ? Year of construction: 2002 Bedrooms and bathrooms: 3? 2? Additional additions: large yard and sun terrace Renovation: $18,000 Closing costs and additional costs: $2,300 Total investment: $142,200 Developer's fee: 40 to 50 of the profit, a discount of...
