Hi, I would love to talk to a company that has invested in real estate in the US? What market research did they do? Did they get…

Someone here has to start talking about the naked king ... everyone is talking about the decline in the beginning ...

Howdy, would I love to talk to a company that has invested in real estate in the US? What market research did they do? Have they received escort from companies in the country? If so, which companies are recommended? Which region did they choose in the US and why? In short I would love to consult

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  1. And consult and meet with as many companies as possible and cross-reference information from everyone while you choose your market. Just as the market focuses on Israel, so it is possible in the United States. The advantage in the US is that everything is visible on the various sites of the county and information gathering sites, so the level of transparency there is very high when you get potential properties to invest

  2. Personally, beyond the recommendations stated here, I would not deal with companies but with people. I do not know who is trustworthy and who is not, but the amount of Israeli companies that turned out to be unreliable, to say the least, exceeds specific people who turned out to be fraudulent. People are a little more difficult to hide behind a company's date, most often they will try to make a transition for you, have direct access and do not answer you secretary and more. Tzach Itzik mentioned here is the exception to this, personal acquaintance.
    With regard to market research it is very different than in the country, so the reliance on professional and reliable people is critical, even than in the country.
    For specific people, recommendations are only made in the details that this platform is not for advertising.

  3. I highly recommend the Investor 360 company. Really professionals in general in the field of financial planning and management. There is the person in charge of the US real estate division there. Over 20 thousand Edi Gorel transactions. If you want details, I'm happy to. Emphasizes that I did not buy a property through them, but have known the platform for several years. They are simply professionals on another level.