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Entrepreneur of the Week - Post # 4 - Thinking Outside the Box in a 2BR Apartment

# EntrepreneurSweek # Entrepreneur of the Week Post # 4 Thinking Outside the Box in a 2BR Apartment The first conversation I had with the apartment owners, this one is 1000 square feet (90 square meters) and is located on the Upper West Side in Manhattan, I remember well. The landlady went over with me their list of needs: a room, even a small one, for each child (they have two children, a son and a daughter who at the time of the renovation were…


  1. There are visible and hidden faults.
    You go through the findings with the foreman/representative who hands over the apartment and go over all the deficiencies that exist. A second time you check if the deficiencies have been fixed, if so in the 3rd time: the delivery phase.
    If you do not trust the contractor and you want to sleep soundly you can bring a home inspection debt and it will reveal all the defects to you as well as hidden and will issue you a neat report that includes an estimate of the cost of repairs.

  2. There are lots of things to know,
    Even before the apartment itself should know
    Legal registration status, program, taboo wording and warning notes.
    Water Pipe Inspection
    Dimension Filtering Cave
    Quarter in the floors
    Marble damage
    Slope of balcony for drainage
    more and more
    Recommend to take a professional company