Hi friends I invest with 2 partners Noam Nahum Tal Saadon in Cleveland Ohio owns 3…

Hi friends I invest with 2 Partners Noam Nahum Tal Saadon in Cleveland Ohio Owners of 3 ...

Hi friends I invest with 2 Partners Noam Nahum Tal Saadon In Cleveland, Ohio, owners of 3 properties priced at about 40 $ 1,000 per house and we had a malfunction in one of the homes, repairing the air conditioner, costing about 300 dollars, after demanding, we did not get a breakdown of the fault and some private company probably did the repair. Following recommendations here on the forum, we first called the tenant to ask her what the problem was, whether she was satisfied with the repair and if there were any other things we could help, her answer was that the technician said the repair would not solve the problem as there is a problem with the general electricity of the house and it must be replaced. , (We were not told from a management company) In terms of the fault it was repaired and everything is correct according to the tenant, the tenant added and said it did not matter to her that she was often leaving the house because the management company did not agree to renew her contract because the landlords (we) disagree (and not at all). We were asked about this), she said more things about a few other faults at home and claims to be indebted The management said that we were not willing to fix owner, needless to say the management company did not ask us anything and we are very interested that you stay then it pays a fixed time and every Sunday a month, which interrupted the Management Company informs her that we do not agree to renew her contract? And it feels like a management company is working systematically to ensure that there are more glitches, urgent urgency I need recommendations of what to do in your experience? Intentionally worrying that there will be repairs all the time and a neighbor allows a conversation with the owner of the apartment (to our understanding it is not at all acceptable in any management company) What is the solution to this frustrating situation?

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