Repair and reverse / hold / rent Standard and reverse the line of credit rates starting from 6.75%…

Repair and reverse / hold / rent Standard and reverse the line of credit rates starting from 6.75% ...

Repair and make / own / rent
Fix and reverse credit line from 6.75%
Get up to 10 times your liquidity
No experience required (up to 500K)
With experience (up to 10 mm)
There is no personal Coltera
l Painless closures, quick purchases and quick withdrawal process.
Funding until:
Up to 90% of purchase costs
Up to 100% of rehab costs
Up to 75% ARV
Based on two skills:
1. Your liquidity. Minimum 50K (test, 401K (70% 401K value), stocks, bonds, savings, etc.)
2. Credit rating. At least 620

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