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#Keren and Liran Rotter - How to Locate Remote Transactions? - Post 5 # Entrepreneur of the Week Foundation…

#Keren and Liran Rotter - How to Locate Remote Transactions? - Post 5 # Entrepreneur of the Week Keren and Liran Rotter # Post 5 How to locate transactions remotely? Okay, so after looking at a few areas in the US, and deciding to invest in a particular area, we'll start locating deals that match our investment profile. How do we locate transactions and more from a distance of 10,000 km ??? The ways we use…

#Keren and Liran Rotter - Introductions - Post 1 - Partner Agreement, Flip or…

# Keren Valiran Rotter - Introductions - Post 1 - Partner agreement, flip or buy and renovate? What about real estate in Miami? Management companies #entrepreneur of the week Keren and Liran Roter #post 1 post Introduction Hi, I'm Keren, 38 years old, married to Liran, 42 years old, and we are parents to Noam, 7 years old, and Daniel, 5 years old. Liran has a master's degree in business administration, and is a marketing manager...
