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# Entrepreneur of the Week Lia Avishar # Post 5 So what are you doing anyway? As I told you in the first post,…

#יםמההשבוי Leah Avisher #Post5 So what are you even doing? As I told you in the first post, I was exposed to a lot of business content from a young age, and I realized that working for hire and waiting for retirement is really not for me. It did hit me at a relatively young age, but each of the people here in the group knows exactly what I'm talking about. This is the moment you realize what...

Real estate as a means of economic well-being

How will we reach financial well-being Hello friends, for a change I decided in this post not to write specifically about real estate itself but about real estate as a way or means by which we can reach financial well-being. Investing in real estate as a whole is actually purchasing assets, only in Israel because it is a significant cost, only a small handful of the population is considering doing it today, most of them prefer to keep the money in the bank...
