# Entrepreneur of the Week Sharon Levy Hello # Post 3 Boker Or, today we will talk about: vision, investors and flexibility. Then…

# Entrepreneur of the Week Sharon Levy Hello # Post 3 Boker Or, today we will talk about: vision, investors and flexibility. Then…

# Initiated week Sharon Levy Hello # Post 3

good morning,
Today we will talk about:
Vision, investors and flexibility.

So what's your lemma?
Why do you want to do real estate?

The answer is critical.
Critical to your success, critical to your determination to succeed.
It is critical to go through difficult days (and there are), to go through changes, to be flexible.

My passion was (was that changed) that everyone would have the option to purchase a home.

I thought of all the young and less young people who are challenging to buy a home in the country.

They will have the opportunity to buy the first house through me and thus open the lucky chakra to them.

And really, in the beginning I aimed for such investors and they came.

They came apprehensive, with a very big dream to buy a house,
A house in the country.

I realized I was near, I could not want anything more for them than for themselves.

But what about the vision, the desire to really help…

This is where flexibility comes in, mental flexibility.
I realized I could help anyone who wanted to help themselves.

I realized that my audience needed to be a little more mentally flexible about investing overseas and so with my mind change, more and more accurate investors arrived.

And my preoccupation with rental homes is gone as it came.

An investor looking for a home to own and rent. I refer to colleagues I trust.

Why am I not convincing?
Because I do what is good and right for the investor.
I first know him, study him and his financial abilities.
Learns the needs and therefore offers the right options to him.
Not me.

This is my way, I strongly believe in it.
People need to feel good about the investments they are making.
They need to know what is right for them, what the chances are, what the risks are.

And investing in improvements is not for everyone.
Also invest in real estate in general,
Not suitable for everyone.

I'm here to allow and if I'm not accurate, then maybe with a friend.

An investor divorced, sold the house, received half.
That is, 800,000 shekels
She wanted to invest everything.
We took half to a home for improvement with me, a quarter in Rent's group with a colleague and the second quarter to the emotional dream of buying a property in the country with a partner and a mortgage.

There is room for everything and everything is fine.

The most important thing is to be true to your why.

So what's your lemma ???

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