How to make money?

#Initiator of the Week Dan Shimoni

# Post 5

 Well, a lot of people asked me about the "everything", which I agree is not that interesting at the level of the posts (I like the philosophy in writing, and the practice in the courses). But I understand - a real estate forum, 15 thousand people, want to know how to make money... and not just how to make money; How do you make money without money?

How do you make money without using money?

There are countless courses, YouTubes, advertisements that promise a lot and use this promise a lot.

"Let's learn how to make money without money"

Behind all these advertisements there is one answer and that is business.

Money without money makes business.

(And usually you need some money there too... yes?)

After all, money is actually a trading tool. A way of giving and taking. I need to provide some value to party B and he returns me a reward.

So in fact - money is made from business. And you also need the second party to reward you.

Who is your customer? That is the real question

Understanding who my client is is critical in business, real estate or non-real estate.

are you flipper The customer is probably young families who buy a property and look at it 30 years into the future. It determines your renovation, your prices, your neighborhoods. The end product is the flipped house that you provide to party B who buys from you.

Are you a wholesaler? You probably have 2 customers - 1. The seller, to whom you provide a service that is worth its weight in gold. 2. The buyer, who is probably an investor / someone who understands real estate. You shouldn't be interested in anything beyond your 2 customers.

Are you a rentalist? The tenant is your customer.

I am a renter. I accompany investors as well. Actually I see my first client as the investor, and his client is the tenant. I hope you understood how all this relates to how money is made. Money is made from providing value to your customers. in an event called a sale. The purpose of a business is to sell and make money.

It's simple, it's abstract. But that's all it is. There's really nothing to worry about.

Get to know the customer through your work, and prepare products and services for him that simply make him say "Wow, this is worth a lot to me" - and there you have it - money.

Onward - let's move forward to your checkpoint please. Because if the title is of interest to you, it is a sign that somewhere inside you sits this leprechaun who shouts "I don't have any money".

Let's solve it simply. First of all, there is a screen in front of you right now because you are reading what I am writing, a sign that you have some money. I assume you have a smartphone in your pocket. A bed to sleep in. And maybe also some streamer, TV, smart watch, bottle. you have money Enough lying. Be specific at least "I have money." But I don't have a million NIS on hand - I appreciate that. Saying "I have no money" is probably probably a lie.

we will continue Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus on what you have.

I work a lot with young people, accompanying and teaching and lecturing. Lots of them in this community.

I don't have a lot of money back. I have no money, no knowledge, no experience.

Come on, DUDES, you have no experience, that's fine. But what do you have? Strong desire to learn, time to invest, drive to give. Come on, it's worth a lot. The focus on what is not there - stings, diminishes, frightens, closes. The focus on what is - expands, strengthens, pushes.

Come on DUDES I'm Dan, 26 years old, the biggest salary I ever earned was as an intelligence officer and it was NIS 6300 a month. Yes. This is the highest I have earned.

If I manage 3 apartments, and this week I also add apartments 4 and 5 - God, you can too!!! True. True

Did you read the post to know how to make money? Money is not made. Do business baby, and business brings money. In order to do business - you need to feel that you have something to give. If you have nothing to give - how can we reward you?

You have something to give, now you just have to focus on it. The money will come. You know that. You have a lot to give.

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