Houston, Texas

Metroko biztanleria:

6.9 M

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Located in Southeast Texas, near the Gulf of Mexico, Houston is the most populous city in Texas, the fourth most populous city in the nation, and the seat of Harris County. At 655 square miles, the city of Houston could contain the cities of New York, Washington, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Minneapolis and Miami.

Nicknamed the “Space City,” Houston is a global city, with a broad industrial base in energy, manufacturing, aeronautics, and transportation.

The Port of Houston ranks first in the United States in international waterborne tonnage (weight in tons) handled, and second in total cargo tonnage handled. There are 26 Fortune 500 companies headquartered in Houston, including: Conoco Phillips, Marathon Oil, Sysco, Apache, Halliburton, and many more.

Houston is also home to 49 Fortune 1000 companies, which is the second largest concentration of any other city in the country, behind only New York with 72. In addition, the largest medical center in the world, The Texas Medical Center, is located in Houston and gets an average of 7.2 million visitors per year. To date, there have been more heart surgeries performed here than anywhere else in the world.

Zergatik inbertitu hemen?

The Houston metro area offers great opportunities for investors who are looking for a stable, landlord friendly market that offers both cash flow and equity growth at a price that is STILL well below their replacement value.

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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Chief Executive - Inbertitzaile Higiezinen Foroa

Lior Lustig 2007az geroztik Israelen eta AEBetan diharduen higiezinen inbertitzaile esperientziadun bat da. Lior-ek esperientzia handia du familia bakarreko eta anitzeko etxebizitzak eskuratzen eta kudeatzen.
Gaur egun, Liorrek The Real Estate Investor Forum zuzentzen du, higiezinen marka eta interes baten jabea, Facebook taldea eta "Real Estate Forum USA" gunea. Lior Amerikako Estatu Batuetako inbertsio-merkatu ezberdinetan moldakorra da eta inbertitzaileei irtenbideak eskaintzen dizkie konpainiaren bidez.