MARKAÐaryfirlit 2019

Orlando, Flórída

Íbúafjöldi í neðanjarðarlest:

2.5 M

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Orlando Real Estate Market Overview

Orlando is the fourth largest city in the state of Florida and the 73rd largest city in the United States. Located in Florida’s “sun belt” region, this city is known for its warm climate, beautiful beaches, and even more so for its world famous amusement parks, entertainment, and attractions.

With a combined population of 3.3 million residents, Orlando’s real estate market is fueled by job seekers, baby boomer retirees, and students who want to live in a “cheap and cheerful” area that offers a high quality of living at a reasonable cost. For investors looking to invest in real estate, these are good signs.

This area has produced some impressive results for real estate investors already and this trend is likely to continue into 2019. To date, property prices are up, appreciation rates are increasing steadily, and the cost of living remains below the national average.

More Reasons To Love Orlando:

  • Forbes reports that 72 million people visited the Orlando area in 2017, making it the most visited tourist destination in the country.
  • Rents grew by 2.5% in the last 12 months, which is higher than the national and state levels.
  • Orlando’s population has grown 52% since the year 2000 and is expected to grow an additional 2.3% in 2019, which means the demand for housing is likely to increase.
  • Amazon Fulfillment brought 4,000 jobs to Central Florida, the current leader in job and population growth in the state.
  • Orlando was recently named the “hottest” single-family real estate market among the 50 largest US metro areas (Ten-X Research’s quarterly report). According to the report, Orlando has been elevated to the nation’s top market position due to limited supply, rising home values, ample jobs and income growth, especially in the leisure/hospitality sector.

Til hvers að fjárfesta hér?

Orlando offers great opportunities for buy and hold real estate investments today. This is especially true for investors looking to invest in one of the most quickly growing economies in the nation while prices are still below their pre-recession peaks.
  • “Ranked #2 In America’s Fastest Growing Cities” – Forbes
  • “#2 Best City for Future Job Growth” – Forbes
  • “One of 10 Great Cities for the 50+ Home Seeker” – AARP
  • “2016 Desination: Orlando” – Worth
  • "# 1 besta borgin fyrir fyrstu íbúðakaupendur" - Viðskipti innherja
  • “#1 Best Family Vacation in the US” – US News
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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Framkvæmdastjóri - The Fasteign Investor Forum

Lior Lustig hefur verið reyndur fasteignafjárfestir, starfandi á þessu sviði í Ísrael og Bandaríkjunum síðan 2007. Lior hefur víðtæka reynslu af kaupum og stjórnun á einbýlis- og fjölbýliseignum.
Lior rekur nú The Real Estate Investor Forum, sem á fasteignamerki og áhugasvið, Facebook hópinn og síðuna "Real Estate Forum USA". Lior er fjölhæfur á fjölmörgum fjárfestingarmörkuðum í Bandaríkjunum og veitir fjárfestum lausnir í gegnum fyrirtækið.