Birmingham, Alabama

Popolazzjoni tal-metro:

1.2 M

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Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Birmingham is the most-populous city in the state of Alabama and the county seat of Jefferson County.

At the height of the nation’s manufacturing age, the city grew so fast in population it was nicknamed the “Magic City.” The nickname stuck when they discovered it was also the only city in the world where the three raw ingredients used to make steel (coal, limestone, and iron ore) occur naturally in a ten-mile radius.

In the last few decades, Birmingham has undergone a major revitalization, becoming a hub for publishing, medical research, banking, construction, and service-based companies. Today, the Magic City is considered one of the nation’s most livable cities because of its vibrant downtown, burgeoning loft community, and world-class culinary scene. In fact, Birmingham was voted the #1 Up-and-Coming Food City by Zagat in 2016.

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Birmingham, Alabama is a stable, lower-risk real estate market where investors can purchase cash flowing R.E.A.L. Income Property™ for $80,000 to $160,000. These factors make it a popular place for new investors to get their feet wet and for anybody looking for an affordable investment that can generate stable monthly income.

  • Ranked #1 in America’s Most Affordable Cities” – Forbes
  • “Ranked #1 in America’s Next Hot Food Cities” – Zagat
  • “Ranked #7 Most Affordable Market” – Zillow
  • “#2 in Where to Buy a Home if You Can’t Afford a Big Down Payment” – Business Insider
  • “#3 Best Place for a Block Party” – Business Insider
  • “Birmingham Real Estate Market Moving in Right Direction” – Fortune Builders
  • “#7 city for Young Professionals Population Growth” – Birmingham Business Alliance

Magħruf l-aktar għall-festa tal-bużżieqa annwali tiegħu u bħala l-ambjent għal "Breaking Bad" tal-AMC, Albuquerque, New Mexico, hija żona metropolitana kulturalment rikka u sabiħa b'mod naturali. Albuquerque hija wkoll waħda mill-akbar bliet fil-Lbiċ, b'popolazzjoni diversa u wħud mill-faċilitajiet ta 'riċerka ta' teknoloġija għolja ewlenin tan-nazzjon, inklużi Sandia National Laboratories, Intel, u l-Università ta 'New Mexico. Fl-istess ħin, it-tradizzjonijiet kulturali tagħha jkomplu jkunu parti essenzjali mill-ħajja ta’ kuljum fil-belt. B'sieq waħda fil-passat, sieq waħda fil-preżent u ż-żewġ għajnejn fuq il-futur, Albuquerque huwa post affaxxinanti biex iżżur u post saħansitra aħjar biex issejjaħ dar. (Sors: (https://www.visitalbuquerque.org/about-abq/history/)

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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Kap Eżekuttiv - The Realestate Investor Forum

Lior Lustig ilu investitur b'esperjenza tal-proprjetà immobbli attiv fil-qasam fl-Iżrael u l-Istati Uniti mill-2007. Lior għandu esperjenza estensiva fl-akkwist u l-ġestjoni ta 'proprjetajiet uni u multifamiljari.
Lior bħalissa tmexxi The Real Estate Investor Forum, li għandha marka u interess tal-proprjetà immobbli, il-grupp Facebook u s-sit "Real Estate Forum USA". Lior hija versatili f'varjetà wiesgħa ta 'swieq ta' investiment fl-Istati Uniti u tipprovdi soluzzjonijiet lill-investituri permezz tal-kumpanija.