Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Popolazzjoni tal-metro:

2.3 M

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With a population of over 2.4 million in seven counties, the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Statistical Area is the 22nd largest city in the nation. The “Burgh” is known as “The City of Bridges” for its 446 bridges, and “The Steel City” for its former steel manufacturing base.

For decades, Pittsburgh was a city on the brink of collapse but recently it has made a huge comeback into the national spotlight. Why? Many are calling it the “Pittsburgh Renaissance.” Neighborhoods are being transformed almost overnight. Luxury boutique hotels are popping up all over the place, which is pretty cool according to Forbes. New office space is being built as well and filled by massive tech companies like Apple and Uber, and so much more!

Skond visitpittsburgh.com, “Pittsburgh is proud to rank among the top places to live, work, and visit in the United States. Our city is consistently recognized with accolades from major travel and financial organizations as one of the most livable cities with one of the most viable economies. We have been honored as a first-rate city for livability, culture, and economy for several years.”

Also, in February 2018 UPMC announced their plans to invest $200M in immunology center in Pittsburgh. County officials are stating this will make Pittsburgh a “magnet for the best and brightest scientists who will want to come here.” This is a promising sign that the number of employment opportunities in Pittsburgh will continue to rise in coming years. This will attract more people to move to the Pittsburgh area – more people that will need a place to live.

Għaliex tinvesti hawn?

The Steel City has clearly undergone a major transformation, becoming a world-class city and yet, home prices are still lower than the national average. This combination makes for a great cash flow opportunity in addition to a strong chance for equity growth over the long-term.

  • “#3 Best Big City to Live” – WalletHub
  • "# 6 L-Aqwa Belt għal Xerrejja ta' Dar għall-Ewwel Darba" - Insider Negozju
  • “#11 Most Affordable City” – Forbes
  • “#13 Safest City to Raise a Family” – Sejħa Tajba
  • “26 Rankings that Prove Pittsburgh is Better Than Any Other City” – Made in PGH
  • “#48 Fastest Growing City” – Forbes
  • “Why Move to Pittsburgh” – Weleski Transfer
  • “#7 Cities Where Millennials Are Moving” – ħin
  • “#1 Best City for Jobs” – Glassdoor
  • “#1 city for young people to live based on job opportunities, affordability and livability” – Lista tal-Appartamenti
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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Kap Eżekuttiv - The Realestate Investor Forum

Lior Lustig ilu investitur b'esperjenza tal-proprjetà immobbli attiv fil-qasam fl-Iżrael u l-Istati Uniti mill-2007. Lior għandu esperjenza estensiva fl-akkwist u l-ġestjoni ta 'proprjetajiet uni u multifamiljari.
Lior bħalissa tmexxi The Real Estate Investor Forum, li għandha marka u interess tal-proprjetà immobbli, il-grupp Facebook u s-sit "Real Estate Forum USA". Lior hija versatili f'varjetà wiesgħa ta 'swieq ta' investiment fl-Istati Uniti u tipprovdi soluzzjonijiet lill-investituri permezz tal-kumpanija.