Cleveland, Ohio

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2.1 M

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Cleveland Real Estate Market Overview

Cleveland, Ohio is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie, about 60 miles west of the Pennsylvania border. Downtown Cleveland has experienced a renaissance over the past five years, with an estimated $19 billion in development completed or planned since 2010. Occupancy rates are at an astonishing 98% and home sales are up 12% year after year.

A Few More Reasons To Love Cleveland:

  • Fastest growing healthcare economy in U.S. (and home to world renowned Cleveland Clinic)
  • Nation’s first Global Center for Health and Innovation as well as a new medical convention center
  • 10 Fortune 500 company headquarters, including: Goodyear Tire, Cliffs, Natural Resources, FirstEnergy, Sherwin Williams, Eaton Corporation, Travel Centers of America, Aleris, Parker Hannifin, Progressive Insurance, and KeyCorp
  • Has the 2nd largest live theater district in the U.S., second only to New York City
  • Home to three major sports teams that bring billions of dollars to the area every year
  • It’s easy to buy B neighborhood properties for as low as $70,000 and turn that into $800 a month; Properties remain well below mid-2000 prices in most areas

Sei kuisa mari pano?

Cleveland also offers great opportunities for investors, especially for those looking for an affordable investment, solid monthly cash flow, and consistent equity growth, without too much risk.
  • "#1 Guta Kutenga Imba Yekudzoserwa Kwakanakisa Rendi" - CNBC
  • “#4 City Where Your Paycheck Will Go the Furthest” – Forbes
  • "#10 Guta Rakanaka Kwekutanga Vatengi Vepamba" - Business Insider
  • “Cleveland Real Estate Market Trends” – Movoto
  • “Ohio Best State for Start-Up” – Forbes
  • “Relocating to Cleveland Guide ” – The Schuman Team
  • "#84 Nzvimbo Yakanakisa Yekugara" - US News
Lior Lustig

Iyo Florida Chamber inoisa rekodhi mudzimba

קרן לשכת פלורידה דיווחן ששוק הדיור בבעיה בגלל ירידה במכירות הבתים והרישומים הפעילים “חסרים דיוק”. טלאהסי – במהלך החודש האחרון בערך, מספר כותרות מלהטות עוררו

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Inonyanya kuzivikanwa nebhaluni yayo yegore negore fiesta uye segadziriro ye "Breaking Bad" yeAMC, Albuquerque, New Mexico, inzvimbo yedhorobha yakapfuma uye inoyevedza. Albuquerque nderimwe remaguta makuru kuMaodzanyemba kwakadziva kumadokero, ane vanhu vakasiyana siyana uye mamwe ematunhu epamusoro-soro ekutsvagisa zvivakwa, anosanganisira Sandia National Laboratories, Intel, uye University of New Mexico. Panguva imwecheteyo, tsika dzayo dzetsika dzinoramba dziri chikamu chinokosha chehupenyu hwezuva nezuva muguta. Netsoka imwe munguva yakapfuura, tsoka imwe panguva ino uye maziso ose ari mberi, Albuquerque inzvimbo inofadza yekushanyira uye imwe nzvimbo iri nani yekudaidza kumba. (Kwakabva: https://www.visitalbuquerque.org/about-abq/history/)

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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Chief Executive - Iyo Realestate Investor Forum

Lior Lustig anga ari muchengeti wezvivakwa ane ruzivo anoshanda mumunda muIsrael uye US kubva 2007. Lior ane ruzivo rwakakura mukutora uye manejimendi ezvivakwa zvisina kuroora uye zvemhuri dzakawanda.
Lior parizvino anomhanyisa The Real Estate Investor Forum, iyo ine real estate brand uye kufarira, boka reFacebook uye "Real Estate Forum USA" saiti. Lior inoshanda zvakasiyana-siyana mumisika yakasiyana-siyana yekudyara muUnited States uye inopa mhinduro kune vanoisa mari kuburikidza nekambani.