Indianapolis, Indiana

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2.1 M

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With a metro area of nearly two million people, Indianapolis is the 2nd largest city in the Midwest and 14th largest in the U.S. The city has poured billions of dollars into revitalization and now ranks among the best downtowns and most livable cities, according to Forbes.

A city of about 850,000, Indy has long been known as a hub for manufacturing for air-conditioners, cars and car parts, and more. However, like most U.S. cities, Indy’s manufacturing industry has diminished greatly. But, they haven’t given up. In fact, they’ve done just the opposite. In the last decade, the city has steadily and quietly become a national center for new technology.

Today, Indianapolis is home to over 150 tech companies, including Salesforce, Angie’s List, MOBI, and an organization called TechPoint whose mission is to promote and accelerate the growth of Indiana’s tech community.

Some of the factors that make Indy attractive for tech companies include the low cost of living, limited government regulation, and a steady stream of qualified applicants from several local (and prestigious) universities. In fact, Indy offers tech workers a much more affordable life compared to the East and West coasts. For example, a tech worker earning $100,000 a year in Indianapolis would need to make $272,891 to have the same standard of living in San Francisco [bestplaces.net].

Sei kuisa mari pano?

Indianapolis also offers great opportunities for buy and hold real estate investments today. This is especially true for investors who want to invest in a booming tech community where it’s still possible to purchase cash flowing turnkey properties well below market value – between $70,000 and $130,000.
  • "#3 Guta Rakanaka Kwekutanga Vatengi Vepamba" - Business Insider
  • “#6 Top Market to Own Rental Homes” – TheStreet
  • “Ranked #7 City to Buy Home for Best Rental Return” – CNBC
  • “Ranked #24 in Lowest Cost of Living” – Business Insider
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Miami Deals
Nadlan Group

Tarisa vhidhiyo

Miami World Center. Parmot. Zvakadaro mamwe mayunitsi anowanikwa mupre-construction reserve prices. Ichi chirongwa chakapa EB-5 visa. Ndapota taura naLeo Mayerkov nefoni: 130-8424500

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