Detroit, Michigan

Populasi Metro:

4.3 M

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The largest city in the state of Michigan, Detroit is probably most well known as the city where Henry Ford pioneered the first assembly lines used to manufacture automobiles. Although the Motor City was hit hard by the recession, things are looking way up for this real estate market, in part because of the following three factors:

  • Two billionaire families have committed to turning around the blighted city and appear to have succeeded. The downtown area has been totally revitalized and many of the dilapidated foreclosures have been torn down.
  • Detroit is home to “The Big 3” major automotive companies in the U.S. and Canada (General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler), and the headquarters/major corporate offices of 100 Fortune 500 companies, including: Penske Automotive, Quicken Loans, Kellogg, Whirlpool, and Walmart.
  • And yet, prices are still extremely affordable in this area – it’s still possible to purchase fully-renovated, turnkey homes in Detroit for around $80,000 (as low as $50,000 in some cases).

Naha investasi di dieu?

Detroit offers investors the opportunity to purchase turnkey properties for as little as $64,000, that will rent for a median 1.18% of the purchase price every month AND also have a strong chance for equity growth.
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Poéna Rajana
Nadlan Grup

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Puseur Dunya Rajana. Parmot. Masih sababaraha unit sayogi dina harga cagar pra-konstruksi. Proyék ieu dibéré visa EB-5. Mangga ngahubungan Leo Mayerkov ku telepon: 130-8424500

Maca deui "
Aréna transaksi nuju naék tingkat - sistem téknologi unik anu dikembangkeun langkung ti sataun sareng urang ngadaptarkeun ...

Pangalusna dipikawanoh pikeun fiesta balon taunan sarta salaku setting pikeun AMC urang "Breaking Bad," Albuquerque, New Mexico, mangrupakeun wewengkon métropolitan euyeub budaya jeung alam geulis. Albuquerque ogé mangrupikeun salah sahiji kota panggedéna di Kulon Kidul, kalayan populasi anu rupa-rupa sareng sababaraha fasilitas panalungtikan téknologi tinggi terkemuka di nagara éta, kalebet Sandia National Laboratories, Intel, sareng Universitas New Mexico. Dina waktos anu sami, tradisi budayana tetep janten bagian penting dina kahirupan sapopoe di kota. Kalawan hiji suku nu geus kaliwat, hiji suku di jaman kiwari sarta duanana panon dina mangsa nu bakal datang, Albuquerque mangrupakeun tempat matak nganjang tur hiji tempat malah hadé mun nelepon ka imah. (Sumber: (https://www.visitalbuquerque.org/about-abq/history/)

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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Kapala Eksekutif - The Real estate Investor Forum

Lior Lustig geus mangrupa investor real estate ngalaman aktip dina widang di Israél jeung AS saprak 2007. Lior boga pangalaman éksténsif dina akuisisi sarta manajemén sipat tunggal jeung multifamily.
Lior ayeuna ngajalankeun The Real Estate Investor Forum, anu gaduh merek perumahan sareng kapentingan, grup Facebook sareng situs "Forum Perumahan AS". Lior serbaguna dina rupa-rupa pasar investasi di Amérika Serikat jeung nyadiakeun solusi pikeun investor ngaliwatan pausahaan.