Kansas City, Missouri

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2.1 M

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The largest city in Missouri and the sixth largest city in the Midwest, Kansas City is widely known for sports, music (especially jazz and blues), and Kansas City-style barbecue. The city is also often called the “City of Fountains” with over 200 beautiful water features throughout the city, which is more than any other city on earth besides Rome. KC’s other nickname is “Paris of the Plains,” because it also has more boulevards than any other city in the world, except for Paris.

After years of neglect, Downtown Kansas City began a massive revitalization effort. Since the year 2000, the city has invested over $6 billion to redevelop the downtown area with new condominiums, apartments, offices, restaurants, indoor and outdoor shopping malls, and entertainment venues. In 2014, the regional Kansas City business community came together to launch KC Rising, which is a long-term vision for the greater Kansas City region to accelerate the Kansas City region’s economic growth.

Today, the KC Rising mission is driven by progress toward three measurable outcomes:

  • Trade: Sell more high-value goods and services outside the KC region and increase our global competitiveness.
  • Ideas: Drive innovation within the KC region’s existing firms and clusters; strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem to create new companies and jobs.
  • People: Develop, attract, and retain the talent needed to increase the KC region’s pace of innovation and accelerate the region’s growth.

Naha investasi di dieu?

Kansas City also offers great opportunities for buy and hold real estate investments today. The reason: even though rents are increasing, home prices are still in the $50,000-$130,000 range. And you can rent single family homes for an average 1% of the purchase price. This means a few things: Kansas city is still affordable, the opportunity to make passive income is getting better and better, and long term equity growth is likely.
  • “#10 Best City to own Rental Homes” – TheStreet
  • “#15 City with Lowest Cost of Living ” – Ecological
  • "Kota #13 Pangalusna pikeun Pembeli Imah Pertama Kali" - Business Insider
  • “#2 Best Place to Live for Single Women” – Market Wired
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Poéna Rajana
Nadlan Grup

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Puseur Dunya Rajana. Parmot. Masih sababaraha unit sayogi dina harga cagar pra-konstruksi. Proyék ieu dibéré visa EB-5. Mangga ngahubungan Leo Mayerkov ku telepon: 130-8424500

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Aréna transaksi nuju naék tingkat - sistem téknologi unik anu dikembangkeun langkung ti sataun sareng urang ngadaptarkeun ...

Pangalusna dipikawanoh pikeun fiesta balon taunan sarta salaku setting pikeun AMC urang "Breaking Bad," Albuquerque, New Mexico, mangrupakeun wewengkon métropolitan euyeub budaya jeung alam geulis. Albuquerque ogé mangrupikeun salah sahiji kota panggedéna di Kulon Kidul, kalayan populasi anu rupa-rupa sareng sababaraha fasilitas panalungtikan téknologi tinggi terkemuka di nagara éta, kalebet Sandia National Laboratories, Intel, sareng Universitas New Mexico. Dina waktos anu sami, tradisi budayana tetep janten bagian penting dina kahirupan sapopoe di kota. Kalawan hiji suku nu geus kaliwat, hiji suku di jaman kiwari sarta duanana panon dina mangsa nu bakal datang, Albuquerque mangrupakeun tempat matak nganjang tur hiji tempat malah hadé mun nelepon ka imah. (Sumber: (https://www.visitalbuquerque.org/about-abq/history/)

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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Kapala Eksekutif - The Real estate Investor Forum

Lior Lustig geus mangrupa investor real estate ngalaman aktip dina widang di Israél jeung AS saprak 2007. Lior boga pangalaman éksténsif dina akuisisi sarta manajemén sipat tunggal jeung multifamily.
Lior ayeuna ngajalankeun The Real Estate Investor Forum, anu gaduh merek perumahan sareng kapentingan, grup Facebook sareng situs "Forum Perumahan AS". Lior serbaguna dina rupa-rupa pasar investasi di Amérika Serikat jeung nyadiakeun solusi pikeun investor ngaliwatan pausahaan.