Cleveland, Ohio

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I-2.1 M

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Cleveland Real Estate Market Overview

Cleveland, Ohio is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie, about 60 miles west of the Pennsylvania border. Downtown Cleveland has experienced a renaissance over the past five years, with an estimated $19 billion in development completed or planned since 2010. Occupancy rates are at an astonishing 98% and home sales are up 12% year after year.

A Few More Reasons To Love Cleveland:

  • Fastest growing healthcare economy in U.S. (and home to world renowned Cleveland Clinic)
  • Nation’s first Global Center for Health and Innovation as well as a new medical convention center
  • 10 Fortune 500 company headquarters, including: Goodyear Tire, Cliffs, Natural Resources, FirstEnergy, Sherwin Williams, Eaton Corporation, Travel Centers of America, Aleris, Parker Hannifin, Progressive Insurance, and KeyCorp
  • Has the 2nd largest live theater district in the U.S., second only to New York City
  • Home to three major sports teams that bring billions of dollars to the area every year
  • It’s easy to buy B neighborhood properties for as low as $70,000 and turn that into $800 a month; Properties remain well below mid-2000 prices in most areas

Kungani utshala lapha?

Cleveland also offers great opportunities for investors, especially for those looking for an affordable investment, solid monthly cash flow, and consistent equity growth, without too much risk.
  • “#1 City to Buy Home for Best Rental Return” – I-CNBC
  • “#4 City Where Your Paycheck Will Go the Furthest” – Forbes
  • "#10 Idolobha Elingcono Kakhulu Kubathengi Bekhaya Okokuqala" - I-Business Insider
  • “Cleveland Real Estate Market Trends” – UMovoto
  • “Ohio Best State for Start-Up” – Forbes
  • “Relocating to Cleveland Guide ” – The Schuman Team
  • "#84 Indawo Engcono Kakhulu Yokuhlala" - US News
U-Lior Lustig

Amanani asekhaya eFlorida aya phezulu

ערך הבית הממוצע בפלורידה הוכפל תוך שש שנים. טמפה ומיאמי בעלות הכפלת המחיר השלישית הכי מהירה מבין הערים הגדולות בארה”ב. מיאמי – מחיר הבית החציוני

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Eyaziwa kakhulu nge-fiesta yayo yebhaluni yaminyaka yonke nanjengesilungiselelo se-AMC “EsiyiBreaking Bad,” i-Albuquerque, eNew Mexico, iyindawo yedolobha elikhulu elicebile ngokwamasiko nenhle ngokwemvelo. I-Albuquerque futhi ingelinye lamadolobha amakhulu aseNingizimu-ntshonalanga, elinabantu abahlukahlukene kanye nezinye zezindawo ezihamba phambili zokucwaninga ngobuchwepheshe obuphezulu ezweni, okuhlanganisa iSandia National Laboratories, Intel, kanye neNyuvesi yaseNew Mexico. Ngesikhathi esifanayo, amasiko ayo amasiko aqhubeka eyingxenye ebalulekile yokuphila kwansuku zonke edolobheni. Ngonyawo olulodwa esikhathini esidlule, unyawo olulodwa okwamanje kanye namehlo womabili ekusasa, i-Albuquerque iyindawo ethokozisayo ongayivakashela kanye nendawo engcono kakhulu yokubiza ikhaya. (Umthombo: (https://www.visitalbuquerque.org/about-abq/history/)

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