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# Entrepreneur of the Week - Gilad Oz ROInvest LLC * Post 6 - So we chose a country, city and region where…

# Entrepreneur of the Week - Gilad Oz ROInvest LLC * Post 6 - So we chose a country, city and region where ...

# Initiated week - Gilad Oz ROInvest LLC

* Post 6 - So we chose a country, city, and regions to focus on, what now?
* Now work and search for assets that meet the criteria we set.

So what can we do so far?
- We chose a country and areas we want to focus on.
- To analyze the market its advantages and disadvantages
- We know how to do demographic analysis of the region

Now we need to start looking for properties in the areas we focus on. Fieldwork is a very important part of real estate. Even after doing all the tests and surgeries, there is no substitute for field work, touring the place, feeling the area, talking to the locals and more…

Which property is selected?
We now have to make the decision on which property we want to buy. What are the assets that are considered preferable?
Property that may or may not be brick. The answer to that depends on the area we focus on. Each area has properties that are preferred to buy / rent by the locals. We need to understand the needs of the people living in the area.

Does our property need renovation?
If so, we need to look after professionals who can renovate the property. One of the most difficult things is finding good and reliable professionals. Some professionals in Israel and in the United States are some good and some are not.
With some, you will find that time is not a time and what you have agreed upon is in accordance with what was convenient to the contractor or renovator.
Anyone who does not intend to be in the property at the time of the renovation, I highly recommend giving up this pleasure. Because there is a high chance that the contractor will cheat it and not have control over the renovation process.

To find a property that fits our needs and settings,
We must check and see quite a few assets.
And if you want to find a property that is below market price it will require you to be vigilant, nimble and up to date with cash in your pocket so you can make a good offer to the seller.

And now that we have a property we found and we want to buy,
We need to see if it will also give us enough return.
For this you need to perform a financial analysis of the property.
In post 7, I will explain the parameters to consider before buying a property.

See you in the next post!
Will be interesting ??

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