
  • 2 Lessons

    Kulamada Iskuxirka Mentormind

  • 11 Lessons

    Wareysiyada Khubarada Nadlan

    Kaalay wax ka baro saaxiriinta hantida ma-guurtada ah - sida ay ku bilaabeen, aagga ay khibradda u leeyihiin, sida ay u helaan guryaha, hababka shaqada iyo wax ka badan.
  • 6 Lessons

    Nadlan Expo Israel 2019

    Xirmadan muxaadarooyinka ah waxaad ku maqli kartaan sheekooyinka dadka caadiga ah ee noqday hal-abuur ganacsi oo guulaysta:
  • 8 Lessons

    Nadlan Expo Israel 2020

    Kaalay maqal Lior Lustig - sida aan u bilaabay maalgelinta hanti maguurtada ah ee xirfadleyda ah Wadahadallada hantida maguurtada ah ee heerka indhaha waad salaaman tihiin asxaabta, xirmadan muxaadarooyinka waxaa la duubay oo la abaabulay iyada oo qayb ka ah shirarka xirfadleyda...
  • 12 Lessons

    Nadlan Expo Israel 2021

    Yaniv Berliner – Sida Looga Fogaado Burburka Marka la Maalgalinayo Kiraynta Yaniv Berliner, oo ah bare sare koorsadayada, waxa uu muxaadaro ka bixin doonaa sida looga fogaado kharibanaha marka la maalgashanayo kirada Avi...
  • 7 Lessons

    Nadlan Expo Online Noofambar 2023

    1. Lior Lustig - Hordhac - 13:00 - 14:00
    2. Nir Leibel - 14:00 - 15:30
      How to take a system of doing real estate in the USA to Europe
      1. Knowing a new market 
      2. How do you understand what the potential is 
      3. Establishing teams in an underdeveloped environment. 
      4. Creating a winning system 
      5. Business and lifestyle
    3.  Noam Shpalter - 15:30 - 17:00
      The 10 Mistakes Real Estate Investors Should Avoid
      1. The common mistakes most investors make along the way. 
      2. How to avoid mistakes in evaluating and choosing a deal. 
      3. What is the mistake that almost every investor 'falls' into? 
      4. What questions should be asked in every real estate investment? 
      5. The million-dollar question that entrepreneurs will try to avoid answering (simply because they don't have one...)
    4. Gerardo Waisbaum - 17:00 - 18:30
      Intro to the Multifamily Investing World (and Why a Mindset Shift is a Requirement)
      1. What is multifamily investing and why should you consider it? 
      2. It's a flip? a rental? A different beast 
      3. Multifamily valuation basics and how to increase property value 
      4. Not just rent: Major income streams and expenses 
      5. The four main levers of multifamily investing
    5.  Barak Tzur - 19:00 - 20:30
      Our Experience as Real Estate Wholesalers - From 0 to 300 Miles Per Hour in 6 Months!
      1. Why we joined this game, what we expected, and the reality that we actually saw 
      2. Scaling your Wholealing business - how to do it right 
      3. Choosing the best market for wholesaling - this is what you need to know 
      4. Do you want to hear the numbers? Here are some deals we closed 
      5. How can you also open your own Wholesale Real Estate business in no time with minimum expanses?
    6. Eyal Price - 20:30 - 22:00
      Zoning as a Tool to Maximize Profits in Real Estate Investments​
      1. What is zoning? 
      2. What are the types of zoning changes? 
      3. Examples of zoning. 
      4. Parameters that successfully affects zoning. 
      5. Why exactly in the current market should you look at zoning as part of the real estate investment?
    7. Lior Lustig - 22:00 - 24:00
      How to Own a Brand New High-End Single Family House in South/Central Florida for 800,000 SHEKELS!
      1. Why Central Florida is the place you want to be in - the sun belt, statistics & market data, landlord regulations, & the insurance crisis 
      2. What building parameters & materials should you expect from your builder 
      3. What yield can we expect between different construction models 
      4. What is the building process and timeline, comparables, rentals and price per sf 
      5. What are the purchasing options from full ownership to only investing 30%
  • 5 Lessons

    Nadlan Mentoring

    Mentormind - barnaamijka hagitaan iyo maskaxeed ee Madasha Guryaha Guryaha ee Maraykanka iyo arrintaa, hawl wadeenka Madasha Guryaha Guryaha ee Maraykanka, ayaa dhawaan soo saaray barnaamij cusub oo kacaan ah oo daraasaadka hantida maguurtada ah iyo kan ugu...
  • 0 Lessons

    Wholesaling – August 2023

  • 10 Lessons

    Wholesaling – December 2022

  • 8 Lessons

    Wholesaling – February 2022

  • 11 Lessons

    Wholesaling – July 2022

  • 8 Lessons

    Wholesaling – June 2023

  • 9 Lessons

    Wholesaling – March 2024

  • 20 Lessons

    Koorsada rasmiga ah ee hantida maguurtada ah ee hantida maguurtada ah iyo xiisaha

      Ku soo dhawoow koorsada rasmiga ah ee hantida maguurtada ah ee hantida maguurtada ah iyo ku saabsan hordhaca guud ee koorsada: maalgashadayaasha hantida maguurtada ah oo aad u badan ayaa maanta gartay in beddelkooda maalgashiga ugu fiican uu ka baxsan yahay...
  • 4 Lessons

    Wareysiyo bilaash ah oo loogu talagalay xubnaha naadiga guryaha

    Cutubkan waxaad ka heli doontaa waraysiyada guddidayada khubarada hantida maguurtada ah oo bilaash ah muddo toddobaad ah laga bilaabo taariikhda la daabacay iyagoo qayb ka ah podcast-ka madasha hantida maguurtada ah, waxayna ku heli karaan lacag la'aan ...