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Positivity, Optimism & patience Will Bring you to Success! – Saar Litmanovich – Post 6

Positivity, Optimism & patience Will Bring you to Success! – Saar Litmanovich – Post 6

Hi, so I really hope I can give you value in the last week in a slightly different way.
As mentioned, I am always available for anything that is needed, so please feel free to ask questions in the world, as well as counter-arguments – I would be happy to have relevant discussions and wait again!
So we’ve been through a lot this week, if you try to recall what you read-
1) We started from our personal commitments to ourselves
2) We moved on to learn together how to cope and thrive in a world where anything can happen
3) From there directly to how we make ourselves progress
4) But then we took a step back to observe and understand what really drives us forward
5) We then took a look at the present and the future and understood how with a small investment we can improve ourselves over time
Finally today, we touched on something that can potentially (if done right – will be sharpened soon) give you a lot of peace of mind, along with significant effectiveness.
Do you understand? Many would argue that there is great magic to success “a lot of money with 5 hours of spa a week.” I believe it is possible to get there, but not so fast and not at the beginning.
How can I object to myself? Robert Schmin talks a lot about the fact that most people spend 90% of their time and he just takes care to spend only 80% of his time.
I’ll ask you like this-
How long does it really take to answer emails and schedule multiple appointments?
How long does it really take to centralize business expenses and revenue and send to accountants?
How long does it really take to analyze offers, make suggestions, send professionals, etc., etc.?
More banal examples ????
So I’ll tell you a secret – not so much at all!
What is the “secret”?
The way I see it:
1) Focus on the vision and goals
2) Focus on the task itself
3) Time management + good task prioritization
4) Inquiry and self-sincerity (Did I tell you that will be expressed?;))
A story about two smart people:
Patro – thinks of the “Patro principle” also known as the “80/20 principle”
It can be seen that this principle is repeated in very many cases in nature and in our lives even today
The base, 20% of the time / investment / resources will bring about 80% of the results / output
To read you can continue here:…/understanding-the-pareto…/
For a video that shows this nicely (note how long it takes to produce a chart that looks like a car):
Parkinson – Thinker of the Parkinson’s Principle
Basis: A task will take as long as it is assigned
If they give us homework for the great freedom
There will be blessed children (or dominant parents) who will do everything in the first week and then set out for the great freedom
There will be kids who will do them in the last week, if at all or at most on 1/9 at 8:00 (true story lol)
If we give ourselves a week for the task, it will probably last a week in total, if we give it a day, then it will probably take a day.
The difference is in quality (where do you think there will be a higher quality of workmanship?)
And the difference is in how much nonsense we will deal with along the way (ahm ahm Facebook, Instagram, Wastap and other vegetables)
“Thanks for the flashbacks to Saar School but I tried to repress”
Have fun lol, one last story and then you will come together, Sabbi? Rotate!
The parable of the great stones-
A university professor comes in with a large jar and asks, ‘Is the jar full?’
‘No’ the students answer
The professor fills it with large stones to the top and asks ‘Is the jar full?’
“Yes,” they answer him
The professor then pours in medium-small stones and asks again ‘Is it full?’

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