Klivlend, Ogayo shtati

Metro aholisi:

2.1 M

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Cleveland Real Estate Market Overview

Cleveland, Ohio is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie, about 60 miles west of the Pennsylvania border. Downtown Cleveland has experienced a renaissance over the past five years, with an estimated $19 billion in development completed or planned since 2010. Occupancy rates are at an astonishing 98% and home sales are up 12% year after year.

A Few More Reasons To Love Cleveland:

  • Fastest growing healthcare economy in U.S. (and home to world renowned Cleveland Clinic)
  • Nation’s first Global Center for Health and Innovation as well as a new medical convention center
  • 10 Fortune 500 company headquarters, including: Goodyear Tire, Cliffs, Natural Resources, FirstEnergy, Sherwin Williams, Eaton Corporation, Travel Centers of America, Aleris, Parker Hannifin, Progressive Insurance, and KeyCorp
  • Has the 2nd largest live theater district in the U.S., second only to New York City
  • Home to three major sports teams that bring billions of dollars to the area every year
  • It’s easy to buy B neighborhood properties for as low as $70,000 and turn that into $800 a month; Properties remain well below mid-2000 prices in most areas

Nega bu yerga sarmoya kiritasiz?

Cleveland also offers great opportunities for investors, especially for those looking for an affordable investment, solid monthly cash flow, and consistent equity growth, without too much risk.
  • "Eng yaxshi ijara daromadi uchun uy sotib oladigan №1 shahar" - CNBC
  • “#4 City Where Your Paycheck Will Go the Furthest” – Forbes
  • "Birinchi marta uy sotib oluvchilar uchun №10 eng yaxshi shahar" - Biznes Insider
  • “Cleveland Real Estate Market Trends” – Movoto
  • “Ohio Best State for Start-Up” – Forbes
  • “Relocating to Cleveland Guide ” – The Schuman Team
  • “Yashash uchun eng yaxshi joy №84” – AQSh yangiliklari
Ko'chmas mulk bitimlari
Lior Lyustig

XXXX NW 22nd Ct, Opa-locka, FL 33054

Property Details Price: $444,140 Property Type: Single Family Home Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Total Size: 2,125 SQ FT Lot Size: 9,000 SQ FT Year Built: 1950 and 2004. All CBS. Property Needs Full Rehab. Vacant at the Moment, Clear Title. How to Contact Us about this property and keep being informed of our future deals? […]

Ko'proq o'qing "
Tranzaksiya sahnasi yuqoriga ko'tarilmoqda - bir yildan ortiq ishlab chiqilgan va biz ro'yxatdan o'tkazgan noyob texnologik tizim...

O'zining yillik sharlar bayrami va AMCning "Breaking Bad" festivali uchun joy sifatida tanilgan, Albukerke, Nyu-Meksiko, madaniy jihatdan boy va tabiiy go'zal metropolitan hududidir. Albukerke, shuningdek, janubi-g'arbiy mintaqadagi eng yirik shaharlardan biri bo'lib, aholisi xilma-xil va mamlakatning yuqori texnologiyali etakchi tadqiqot muassasalari, jumladan Sandia National Laboratories, Intel va Nyu-Meksiko universiteti. Shu bilan birga, uning madaniy an'analari shaharning kundalik hayotining muhim qismi bo'lib qolmoqda. Bir oyog'i o'tmishda, bir oyog'i hozirda va ikkala ko'z kelajakka qaragan Albukerke tashrif buyurish uchun ajoyib joy va uyga qo'ng'iroq qilish uchun yanada yaxshi joy. (Manba: (https://www.visitalbuquerque.org/about-abq/history/)

Allaqachon strategiya seansi bormi? Investor portaliga tashrif buyuring

Strategiya seansi allaqachon mavjudmi? Investor portaliga tashrif buyuring

Lior Lyustig

Lior Lyustig Bosh ijrochi direktor - Ko'chmas mulk investorlari forumi

Lior Lustig 2007-yildan beri Isroil va AQShda ko'chmas mulk sohasida faoliyat yurituvchi tajribali investor. Lior yakka va ko'p xonadonli mulklarni sotib olish va boshqarishda katta tajribaga ega.
Lior hozirda ko'chmas mulk brendi va qiziqishlariga ega bo'lgan The Real Estate Investor Forum, Facebook guruhi va "Real Estate Forum USA" saytini boshqaradi. Lior Qo'shma Shtatlardagi turli xil investitsiya bozorlarida ko'p qirrali va kompaniya orqali investorlarga yechimlar taqdim etadi.