Detroit, Michigan

Metroko biztanleria:

4.3 M

Etxeko errenta mediana:




Etxebizitzaren mediana prezioa:


Hileko alokairuaren mediana:


The largest city in the state of Michigan, Detroit is probably most well known as the city where Henry Ford pioneered the first assembly lines used to manufacture automobiles. Although the Motor City was hit hard by the recession, things are looking way up for this real estate market, in part because of the following three factors:

  • Two billionaire families have committed to turning around the blighted city and appear to have succeeded. The downtown area has been totally revitalized and many of the dilapidated foreclosures have been torn down.
  • Detroit is home to “The Big 3” major automotive companies in the U.S. and Canada (General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler), and the headquarters/major corporate offices of 100 Fortune 500 companies, including: Penske Automotive, Quicken Loans, Kellogg, Whirlpool, and Walmart.
  • And yet, prices are still extremely affordable in this area – it’s still possible to purchase fully-renovated, turnkey homes in Detroit for around $80,000 (as low as $50,000 in some cases).

Zergatik inbertitu hemen?

Detroit offers investors the opportunity to purchase turnkey properties for as little as $64,000, that will rent for a median 1.18% of the purchase price every month AND also have a strong chance for equity growth.
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Miami World Center. Parmota. Oraindik unitate batzuk eraiki aurreko erreserba prezioetan eskuragarri daude. Proiektu honek EB-5 bisa eman zuen. Mesedez, jarri harremanetan Leo Mayerkov-ekin telefonoz: 130-8424500

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Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Chief Executive - Inbertitzaile Higiezinen Foroa

Lior Lustig 2007az geroztik Israelen eta AEBetan diharduen higiezinen inbertitzaile esperientziadun bat da. Lior-ek esperientzia handia du familia bakarreko eta anitzeko etxebizitzak eskuratzen eta kudeatzen.
Gaur egun, Liorrek The Real Estate Investor Forum zuzentzen du, higiezinen marka eta interes baten jabea, Facebook taldea eta "Real Estate Forum USA" gunea. Lior Amerikako Estatu Batuetako inbertsio-merkatu ezberdinetan moldakorra da eta inbertitzaileei irtenbideak eskaintzen dizkie konpainiaren bidez.