Cincinnati és Dayton, Ohio

A város lakossága:

2.2 M

A háztartás medián jövedelme:


Munkanélküliségi ráta:


Lakás medián ára:


Medián havi bérleti díj:


Located on the northern banks of the Licking and Ohio River junction, Cincinnati is the third-largest city in Ohio and the 65th-largest city in the United States. Cincinnati was also the first major American city founded after the American Revolution, which is why it is sometimes thought of as the first purely “American” city. It was one of Winston Churchill’s favorite U.S. cities. He called it, “…the most beautiful of the inland cities of the union.”

In recent years, Cincinnati has become a popular destination for new and relocating corporate headquarters, including 10 Fortune 500 companies and 17 Fortune 1000 companies. Some of the more well known of these companies include: Procter & Gamble, The Kroger Company, Macy’s, Inc., and General Electric. Today, the Cincinnati metro area is recognized as one of the nation’s 25 fastest developing regions (according to the Brookings Institution) with a Gross Metro Product of $119 Billion.

Today, the Cincinnati metro area is recognized as one of the nation’s 25 fastest developing regions (according to the Brookings institution) with a Gross Metro Product of $119 Billion.

Miért érdemes ide befektetni?

With cost of living and housing still below the national average, Cincinnati offers great opportunities for real estate investors this year. Especially for those who are looking to invest in REAL Income Properties™ that’ll produce positive monthly cash flow and have a strong chance of steady appreciation.

  • "Az első számú város, ahol otthont vásárolhat a legjobb bérleti díjért" - CNBC
  • “#5 in America’s Most Affordable Cities” – Forbes
  • “#2 Best City to Build a Green Career” – Jó hívás
  • “#9 Best City to Raise a Family” – Forbes
  • “#10 Best City for Commuters” – Trulia
  • “#13 Best City for New Grads” – Jó hívás
  • “One of 15 US Cities’ Emerging Downtowns” – Forbes
  • “Steady Widespread Growth Continues” – Clevelandi Federal Reserve Bank
Ingatlan ajánlatok
Lior Lustig

XXXX E Melrose Cir, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Property Details Price: $391,140 Property Type: Single Family Home Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Total Size: 1,874 SQ FT Lot Size: 9,376 SQ FT Year Built: 1954 CBS house. New kitchen. Needs flooring and new baths. How to Contact Us about this property and keep being informed of our future deals? For additional information about this […]

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Létezik már stratégiai munkamenet? Látogassa meg a befektetői portált

Lior Lustig

Lior Lustig Ügyvezető - Ingatlanbefektetői Fórum

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Lior jelenleg a The Real Estate Investor Forum üzemeltetője, amely egy ingatlanmárkával és érdekeltséggel rendelkezik, a Facebook-csoportot és a "Real Estate Forum USA" webhelyet. A Lior sokoldalú az Egyesült Államok befektetési piacainak széles körében, és a vállalaton keresztül megoldásokat kínál a befektetőknek.