As an investor, no longer a novice, here is my second shekel to you: - When you come to get a loan from the investment bank…

Hi everyone, there are people here who buy assets in the US not through an Israeli brokerage company, and ...

As an investor, no longer a novice, here's my second recital to you:
- When you receive a loan from the Bank for investment abroad, you will never receive a loan with the official for almost half an hour.
- You will always be accepted with some suspicion. You might want to draft yourself some "ice-breaking" sentences.
- The more murderous the interest rate, the faster the application will be approved.
- Bomb the clerk with paperwork, even if not XNUMX percent relevant. He has a threshold he cannot meet. The sandwich calls him.
- True, the final decision is not only in his hands, but chemistry with him will also help.
- Remember, the interest rate eats every good part of your return, make a careful calculation and a stringent scenario for the future.
- Despite all that being said, investors in the tear, Brina will sell.

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