That you gave her the traffic? Trump cancels tax breaks and New York Giants flee to Florida ...

That you gave her the traffic? Trump cancels tax breaks and New York Giants flee to Florida ...

# You diedFor the movement of airplanes?
Trump has canceled tax breaks and New Yorkers are fleeing to Florida
As part of the tax reform, the ceiling for refunds on state taxes and municipal taxes has been lowered. The Great Sufferers: Rich New York where the tax burden is particularly high. Manhattan real estate agent: "The money they will save as a result of the move will cover the children's private schools"
In recent months, Kushman has relocated to three such clients - two bankers and an entrepreneur. He expects more to come soon. This follows a new ceiling that limits tax refunds and went into effect yesterday as part of Trump's 2017 tax reform.

Thanks to the reform, most Americans benefited from tax cuts, as the president repeatedly reminds his constituents. But to make this possible, a ceiling of $ 10,000 was set on the returns that households could receive for state and municipal taxes as part of federal tax payments. This limit on refunds of SALT taxes (state and municipal taxes) means an oil tax account for New Yorkers with taxes of 12.7. In contrast, Florida does not have a federal personal income tax.

Trump has canceled tax breaks and New Yorkers are fleeing to Florida

As part of the tax reform, the ceiling for refunds on state taxes and municipal taxes has been lowered. The Great Sufferers: Rich New York where the tax burden is particularly high. Manhattan real estate agent: “The money they will save as a result of…

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