Need a recommended "magician"? I want to confess, I have a troubled feeling, The area of ​​investment…

Need a recommended "magician"? I want to confess, I have a feeling of distress, the field of investment ...

Need a recommended "magician"?

I want to confess, I have a nagging feeling,?
The real estate investment field is large and extensive, there are many investment strategies,
The media has tremendous visibility of information on various investments,
There is exposure to motivational experts who are encouraged to get out of the chair and invest,
In 5 years, you will gain economic independence, ?
Find experts in the field, and invest through them,
High and solid rental yields,
Entrepreneurial investments, join them and make a big profit …… ..

The inscription on the wall, and the feeling of distress stems from it,
Who are interested in this type of application
To us, and marketing slogan slogans,
We know for sure that they are going to pay tuition.

To make a decision on investing in a rental property,
Financial knowledge is needed,
Understanding finance,
Understanding micro and macro economics,
Understanding investment strategies,
Understanding real estate market trends,
Understanding the differences between market and market,
Understanding the unique characteristics of each market,
Understanding the level of investment risk,
Understanding that if you operate in a leveraged entrepreneurial deal you can lose the money,
And if you make a profit, share the profit with the entrepreneur, with the salesman, the reseller and the IRS.?,
It is necessary to understand how to really calculate yield, and not to be excited about numbers being thrown into the air,
It has to be understood that sparkly office workers are smiling, and aggressive marketing,
Cost money, these costs investors pay,
An understanding of the subject of taxation is needed, although the tax avoidance treaty may require a double tax payment!

Investors working a lifetime, saving several hundred thousand shekels, strive within 5 years?
Achieve financial independence, net income after taxes and taxes of NIS 20,000,
Just what, they did not internalize that for this purpose they need a solid asset portfolio of 5,000,000 NIS ……?
Here alpha real estate players will not help, the highest chance to do so is through a "magician"

I let go of the hassle a little, maybe made some more investors stop for a moment and calculate a new route,
And if I saved them from paying tuition, it's wonderful.?

Have a nice day for everyone,

Roni & Adi

Link to the original post on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer (To view the post must be members approved for the forum)

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  1. Rony Aga
    Strongly reinforces the things you wrote, but I have some thoughts, would love to hear your opinion and others?

    Every real estate entrepreneur has to learn - and therefore pay tuition for someone inexperienced - it's a matter of access.

    I sometimes employ people without much experience, and pay less in advance - knowing that it will cost me more time.

    On the other hand, learning with the people you work with, falling together, seeing difficult situations, is the essence of a true business partnership, even with the end of service and customer service.

    Of course most of us want the heavy guns with experience - but they come with a high price tag. Sometimes it pays off, and sometimes less - again, a matter of attitude.

  2. Rony is right. I must point out that there is probably also an element of culture here because my European clients treat real estate investment exactly like this: realistic, sober, solid and calculated. People also come to me who want to "retire" before the age of 40 or make magic deals that they "heard from a friend" and unfortunately don't always like to hear what I have to say. The business world is becoming more and more complex, money is less available and requires tougher conditions, regulation around the world is changing, and many more players are entering the market - which causes the rules of the game to change and makes the field more and more challenging. I believe that there is magic in everything and so it is in the business world but up to a certain limit 🙂

  3. Agree with you, need proportions!
    One must understand that there is a degree of risk in any investment they make and understand where they are on this scale - the more risk there is the greater the profit is likely to be ..
    Most importantly, trust, transparency and relationships

  4. Hi Ronnie,
    Strongly agree with what you wrote and more often than not I met with disappointed customers who made a bad deal or worse, were exposed to bigger problems.
    The need for self-knowledge is invaluable, but not everything can be known, especially if it is not the client's area of ​​expertise.
    Often, reliance on reliable professionals (this is the ambition, of course) is needed to bridge some of the gaps the specific investor has.
    Henry Ford, who had only an elementary school education, was exceptionally successful thanks to the teams he knew how to build around him, who had the knowledge he needed to make his dream come true.

  5. agree. I am of the opinion that every real estate investment must begin with careful and thorough understanding, study and preparation, and especially with the distinction between different types of real estate investments at different levels of risk. A lot of good guys in this forum invest many hours to help people make informed and good investment decisions and it is always worth stopping and listening before jumping into the water. By the way, just last week we devoted an entire chapter to this very topic in our podcast (Investcast) which explains in depth how to properly analyze a real estate investment and what should be checked at the entrance to it.

  6. Ronnie, totally agree with you. As someone who is physically located in the North of England I am not willing to tie my name to such investments because I just know how unsafe they are.
    But unfortunately most of the target audience of those companies mentioned here and others, are unsuspecting customers, are customers who do not know how to ask the right questions, and most of them are not members of the group here or in other groups.
    They get an intense translation and in the full sense of the word they are led as sheep to the slaughter.
    These companies have increased to do and now they are also doing “promotions” and selling more than one unit to the same customer…
    It's annoying and upsets me too.

  7. Hi Ronnie There is no substitute for the experience in the field that you have gained as an experienced investor You can give immense value to anyone who comes to you. You've seen and experienced a variety of cases and extreme fluctuations in reality.

    About 5 million, you can get other numbers. From my personal experience of investing 4 years ago in Israel, the US and two years ago in Athens, a total of 2.8 million net monthly payments are received on average over the last six months (after bridges costs and taxes) 8% on the money that is 18600 NIS a month.

    Because I leveraged myself (I didn't have a fortune of 2.8 million), I have refunds of $ 8 each month for another 6 years. That is, the net pocket comes in at NIS 10 a month.
    Of course there is currency volatility that does not take into account the calculation of the euro and the dollar.

  8. Right at the same time have to understand that this is possible?
    It's just like any business you start - in the beginning you have to work very hard and over time grow, bring in managers, etc. Your post is a follow-up to my post of getting your hands dirty.
    Thanks Ronnie for saving me?

  9. Strongly agree, 60-year-old people come to me for advice, sometimes whose entire capital is a few hundred thousand shekels and want to invest in real estate abroad when they have never made a capital or real estate investment. It is so hard to explain to them that the reality is more complex. Together we will continue to flood and show reality as it is

  10. Good morning, absolutely right, these days I am looking for Israelis who have invested through the company "Blue Real Estate" in sheltered housing in England, in a deal that exploded a few months after the signing and at the moment it is not clear what will happen to the customers' investment.