관련 뉴스 부동산 기업가

관련 기사

투자자 모집 방법-금주의 기업가-Post 3-Idan Avivi

How to Recruit Investors – Entrepreneur of the Week – Post 3

#EntrepreneuroftheWeek #RealEstate #Flips #BuyAndHold #BRRRR #Mortgage #Investors

When I started dealing in real estate very quickly I came to a very simple conclusion: it is not so easy to attract investors! Transactions abound (and so do investors) but recruiting someone to put their savings with you is not an easy thing, especially when you are just starting out and still do not have significant experience.
So here are some rules that helped me a lot to get started and accumulate my investors’ mailing list:
The first rule: the investment is in you and not in the property!
Investors who invest in the US without having physically seen the property, without really knowing the area, will not really invest in the property but in you !!! It is a trust based investment and the trust is in you!
So first thing listen, ask questions, take an interest in the person sitting in front of you (this is a rule for life – even if it is not an investor), do a little research before you meet, whether by social networks or a conversation with the person who referred the investor and find a common denominator between you Enrich the conversation topics.
Put the investor at the center and it will pay off hugely for you.
The second rule: Fake It Till You Make It
Yes it sounds bad I know… but if we translate the definition from English we get: “By imitating confidence, ability and optimistic mindset, a person can realize these qualities in his real life and achieve the results he seeks”.
That’s how I started recruiting investors!
It is true that in the beginning those who really trusted me came from my immediate environment such as family and friends, but in order to increase the circle of investors to more external circles, you must show and convey the confidence of an entrepreneur who has been in the field for 20 years. Do this by writing and practicing your pitch, demonstrate knowledge in all areas around the investment (e.g. taxation, the process of obtaining building permits, transferring funds to the US and opening an LLC) and gather all the questions always asked by investors and practice answering these questions immediately In the future (at the end of the day the questions repeat themselves).
When the person in front of you feels your confidence and the vast knowledge you have, it will cover up your little experience and the chances that they will score with you will increase significantly.
Today I am already in great condition with proven experience and results but this is the way to start…
Rule Three: If you are not there you do not exist
Be online in all its shades! Website, Instagram, Facebook, live, tips, add value online and in the end it will pay off. This week’s writing of an entrepreneur is also part of the matter…
This connects to the first rule on trust. Once they see you in every possible media, it shows that you are an authority in the field. The added value and tips you will give is what will connect the investor to you at the end of the day.
Proper disclosure, this is something I am still learning myself and in need of improvement, and thanks to the great forum that contacted me to be an entrepreneur this week and gave me the stage ????
I hope that from my personal story you might take something on the road and come on out and recruit!
Live powerfully

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