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The Coronavirus Real Estate Bubble Compared to the 2008 Real Estate Crisis – Dani Beit-Or Post 1+2

# Entrepreneur of the Week #Secondary #Post 1+2 Dani Beit-Or
Рад встрече. . . снова
Удивительно, но всего год назад на этой неделе я был предпринимателем.
Not much has changed in the introductory post from a year ago except for age, and more deals and accumulation of knowledge. . . Here is the introductory post from a year ago http://bit.ly/2xBkdqu
Эта неделя начинается в тени коронной чумы. За последние 10 дней не было дня, чтобы кто-нибудь не связался и не спросил, что, по моему мнению, произойдет на рынке недвижимости США в связи с этой ситуацией. Я даже открыл группу в Facebook, полностью посвященную этой проблеме, потому что мне тоже хотелось бы знать. И сказать тебе, что я знаю? И представить возможные теории. Мы еще не сталкивались даже с подобной ситуацией.
Моя задача на этой неделе
Как внедрять инновации для группы, в которой каждую неделю появляется новый эксперт, который делится своим опытом и обширными знаниями, которыми он обладает. Объем знаний и опыта, приобретаемых в этой группе, впечатляет.
Поделюсь с вами своими сомнениями:
Решать ли проблему: как помочь инвесторам максимизировать успех или на этот раз ориентироваться на опытных членов группы – поскольку значительная часть загружаемого контента адресована новичкам или как начать, возможно, на этот раз нужно взаимодействовать с контентом, который более актуален для опытных продвинутых инвесторов, уже совершивших несколько сделок.
Итак, начнем. . . . Хорошей недели и только здоровья
Аааа. . . А на фото сиюминутные вещи моей жизни: семья, недвижимость и передача знаний.
The challenge is not small in such crazy times to talk about investments, strategies, successes, and failures. And maybe this is the time to learn from previous crises. Different backgrounds, but crises.
At the time of the 2008 crisis, I already owned quite a bit of real estate that I had personally invested and also considerable experience in accompanying close to 1,000 transactions.
It was my first real estate crisis and you could also say a first economic crisis. In the crisis of 2000 I was still young without economic exposure.
The crisis erupted after about 4-5 years after my first investment and about three years after I started engaging in real estate professionally and fully (so I did not even know it was called “investor accompaniment”). To my delight a lot pretty quickly realized what we were heading towards. I have no explanation for why but I just understood. So I started making decisions under this insight. I later thank you for operating under this insight. Don’t get me wrong, I lost, and a lot! But I reduced damage.
My biggest disappointment from this period was precisely from the flawed human behavior of people who until then had considered them leaders in the field. A large portion of them simply disappeared, there was no oil to support and abandoned investors in distress. To this day (12 years later) I have no idea where some of them have gone, mostly charlatans.
Another part went underground or buried its head in the sand and was not really there to lead in moments of crisis, and resurfaced in rage.
I guess some of these people experienced the crisis in their flesh (yes, yes I do too) and it probably affected them badly.
Already at the beginning of the crisis I made a decision with myself – I will be there and answer any call or email that comes from my client even if it means a difficult call, complaints, etc. – and there were many. When it comes to crises people look for culprits and run away from personal responsibility. We are all adults and no one has made a decision to invest in real estate under gun threats, so let us not forget that everyone’s responsibility is also personal.
And yet I was there to support and address. Such conversations lasted until 2010 and possibly even after. I guess these are many hundreds of such conversations. My wife was already angry at me for answering all the calls as if it was my personal responsibility especially when she saw the impact of the calls on me.
But my account was simple – someone is in crisis, I will try to help him and contribute to him from my knowledge and experience, I too in this boat, maybe I can also learn something from him, and at least I give him a chance to express anger and frustration.
Later this week I plan: Lessons from the 2008 crisis and how I see them are really being reflected these days.


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180 квартир, Парк 45, Хьюстон, Техас

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